
Monday, December 20, 2021



Fulfilling Essential Public Health Needs in 2022

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the FDA’s critical public health role into sharper focus. The FDA’s public health mission, although most apparent during emergencies, is actually in operation every day of every year, protecting the American public from many threats.

In the coming weeks we will release a report highlighting some of the agency’s key accomplishments over the past year and illustrating the FDA’s profound impact in protecting Americans’ health and safety. As we close out 2021, however, I want to offer some insight into the themes that will continue to guide our public health agenda as we move into 2022.

First and foremost, public health and consumer protection activities will continue to be the primary focus of FDA regulatory and compliance actions. We’ve made great strides in this area, as demonstrated, for instance, by our recent guidance to begin lowering the sodium content of foods, or the actions we’ve taken to reduce exposure to toxic elements in foods commonly eaten by babies and young children to the lowest possible levels, and by limiting fruit and other flavored vaping products that can be so attractive to young people. Through our initiative, “The New Era of Smarter Food Safety,” we are bringing new tools to bear on the longstanding problem of foodborne illness.

read more here

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