
Monday, January 4, 2021

Northern District of Oklahoma United States Attorney's Office Collects $6.4 Million in Civil and Criminal Actions in Fiscal Year 2020

 The civil False Claims Act is an important tool used to protect the integrity of taxpayer-funded health care programs and allows the government to address losses it sustains by providing for civil monetary penalties.

  • In FY 2020, the U.S. Attorney’s Office civil division assessed such a penalty against a Louisiana physician assistant for accepting illegal pharmacy kickback payments in return for recommending and prescribing compounded drugs from OK Compounding. He entered into a settlement agreement with the United States, agreeing to pay $620, 508.36.
  • In another settlement agreement, a Texas doctor agreed to pay the United States $300,000 to resolve False Claims Act allegations that he accepted illegal kickback payments from OK Compounding. The settlement agreements resolved allegations against both men.
  • Quoted from

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