
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kudos to Texas State Board of Pharmacy for keeping their members updated during COVID-19

The Texas State Board of Pharmacy continues to update our COVID-19 resources page regularly with important pharmacy-related regulatory updates, which you can find at

Temporary Rule Suspensions
Since the last newsletter writing, several more temporary rule suspensions have been granted by the Office of the Governor. Learn more about them here.

Emergency Adoptions & Procedures
TSBP has not adopted any new emergency rules since March 2020, but has issued guidance on emergency rule 291.30. The guidance can be found here.

Guidance Statements & Responses
Guidance statements can be found here. Some recent updates include COVID-19 waste disposal guidance from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for pharmacies that provide COVID-19 testing, CDC considerations for pharmacies during this time, and Texas DSHS information regarding pseudoephedrine purchases during the disaster declaration. Read more about this and other COVID-19-related guidance on our website here.

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