
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coronavirus Update: FDA steps to ensure quality of foreign products

This statement is attributed to: FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn, M.D., and Judy McMeekin, Pharm.D., Acting Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs 
Recently, we provided an update on FDA-wide activities we are engaged in related to the novel coronavirus outbreak:  COVID-19. We continue to take a multi-pronged approach to this public health emergency, including focusing on actively facilitating efforts to diagnose, treat and prevent the disease; surveilling the medical product supply chain for potential shortages or disruptions and helping to mitigate such impacts, as necessary; and leveraging the full breadth of our public health tools, including enforcement tools to stop fraudulent activity as we oversee the safety and quality of FDA-regulated products for American patients and consumers.

Today, we are providing updated and more detailed information about the status of FDA inspections in China and the agency’s oversight of imported products from China, which have been impacted by this outbreak. While we are not able to conduct inspections in China right now, this is not hindering our efforts to monitor medical products and food safety. We have additional tools we are utilizing to monitor the safety of products from China, and in the meantime, we continue ....

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