
Monday, December 16, 2019

Very Important Changes Regarding CDS Electronic Prescriptions in Oklahoma from Doctors and Veterinarians and opioid prescriptions

Regarding CDS Electronic Prescriptions:
  • Beginning January 1, 2020, unless a prescriber meets one of the exceptions listed in the Statute, all CDS prescriptions must either be electronic or on the prescription pads provided by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (OBNDD).
  • Prescriptions for Long Term Care Facility and Hospice patients must meet these same requirements unless the pharmacy is an on-site pharmacy in the Long Term Care or Hospice facility. 
  • Physicians are still authorized to issue oral emergency Schedule II prescriptions.  The oral emergency Schedule II prescriptions must be followed up with an electronic prescription or a written prescription on the OBNDD prescription pad.  [If written on the OBNDD prescription pad, it must qualify as one of the exceptions.] 
  • While Veterinarian prescriptions qualify as an exception from electronic prescriptions, they must be on the prescription pad from OBNDD. 
  • CDS prescriptions from out of state prescribers are not impacted by this law.
  • CDS prescriptions for a patient discharged from a hospital must be electronic or on the prescription pad from OBNDD.  [If they are written on the prescription pad from OBNDD, they must qualify as one of the exceptions.] 
  • Official prescription pads from OBNDD issued to a registered practitioner shall only be used by the prescriber to whom they are issued.  
OK State Board of Pharmacy
Regarding CDS Electronic Prescriptions:
  • Beginning January 1, 2020, unless a prescriber meets one of the exceptions listed in the Statute, all CDS prescriptions must either be electronic or on the prescription pads provided by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (OBNDD).
  • Prescriptions for Long Term Care Facility and Hospice patients must meet these same requirements unless the pharmacy is an on-site pharmacy in the Long Term Care or Hospice facility. 
  • Physicians are still authorized to issue oral emergency Schedule II prescriptions.  The oral emergency Schedule II prescriptions must be followed up with an electronic prescription or a written prescription on the OBNDD prescription pad.  [If written on the OBNDD prescription pad, it must qualify as one of the exceptions.] 
  • While Veterinarian prescriptions qualify as an exception from electronic prescriptions, they must be on the prescription pad from OBNDD. 
  • CDS prescriptions from out of state prescribers are not impacted by this law.
  • CDS prescriptions for a patient discharged from a hospital must be electronic or on the prescription pad from OBNDD.  [If they are written on the prescription pad from OBNDD, they must qualify as one of the exceptions.] 
  • Official prescription pads from OBNDD issued to a registered practitioner shall only be used by the prescriber to whom they are issued.  

Clarification on NEW OSBP Statute:
59 O.S. § 353.20.2(D): Upon receipt of a valid Schedule II opioid prescription issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-309I of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, a pharmacist shall fill the prescription to the specified dose, and shall not be permitted to fill a different dosage than what is prescribed.  However, the pharmacist maintains the right not to fill the valid opioid prescription.

  • This statute only applies to Schedule II Opioids.
  • After consultation with OBNDD, this statute is interpreted to mean that a Pharmacist cannot dispense any quantity other than what is designated on the prescription; OBNDD interprets this to include partial filling of any Schedule II Opioid prescription.
  •  In order to dispense a lesser than prescribed quantity, a new prescription must be obtained. 

If you have questions about the above information, please feel free to reach out to your Compliance Officer or call the Board Office. 

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