
Monday, December 23, 2019

Additional Clarification from the Oklahoma State Pharmacy Board Regarding the New OSBP Statute

Additional Clarification on NEW OSBP Statute:
59 O.S. § 353.20.2(D): Upon receipt of a valid Schedule II opioid prescription issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-309I of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, a pharmacist shall fill the prescription to the specified dose, and shall not be permitted to fill a different dosage than what is prescribed.  However, the pharmacist maintains the right not to fill the valid opioid prescription.

In response to the concerns expressed by several pharmacists across the State of Oklahoma further discussions were held between OSBP staff and legal counsel.  As a result of those talks it was determined that:
  • The Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy has responsibility for the enforcement, application, and interpretation of this statute.
  • Furthermore, in an effort to promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare, the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy has determined that the terms “specified dose” and “different dosage” do not apply to the specific quantity dispensed pursuant to a Schedule II opioid prescription. 
 In order to dispense a lesser than prescribed quantity, a new prescription is not required.

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