
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Remarks from Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharpless, M.D. as prepared for testimony before a U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on FDA Regulation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Investigation of Vaping Illnesses

Good morning, Chairwoman DeGette, Ranking Member Guthrie, and Members of the subcommittee. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be here today to discuss the regulation of electronic nicotine delivery systems, or ENDS, and the Agency’s role in the ongoing investigation into lung injuries experienced by individuals who use vaping products. 

As you know, prior to coming to FDA, I was Director of the NCI, and I’m a long-time cancer doctor. My experience treating patients has informed all of my work at the agency including the issues before the committee today.  

We are here to discuss two top priority issues: first, the ongoing investigation into the cause of lung injury associated with the use of vaping products. Second, FDA’s ongoing efforts to ...

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