
Monday, June 17, 2019

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Regulatory Proposals

Regulatory Proposals

 ~ Amends §2919 of the Board's rules to provide for automatic registration of pharmacists for access privileges to query the state prescription monitoring program.
               03-19-2019 - Committee voted to recommend the approval of Draft #1 to the Board.
               05-29-2019 - Board voted to approve Draft #1 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.

~ Amends the chapter of rules for automated medication systems to authorize placement of such devices in detention and correctional facilities, and makes other technical corrections.
               03-19-2019 - Draft #1 on agenda for review by Regulation Revision Committee; not considered.
               04-24-2019 - Committee requested amendments, resulting in Draft #2.  Subsequent to the meeting, the Board President authorized the transfer of a portion of the contents from Regulatory Proposal 2019-A re Pharmacy Records referencing Chapter 12 - Automated Medication Systems to this proposal, to keep all the related contents in the same proposal.  The resulting document is Draft #3.  
               06-13-2019 - Draft #3 on agenda for review by Regulation Review Committee.  

 ~ Amends the marijuana pharmacy rules (Subchapter E of Chapter 24) to repeal the limitations on the amount of THC per dose and per package, revise the limitations on advertising, permit the receipt of facsimile recommendation forms in marijuana pharmacies, and require inspection of premises prior to issuing permits.
               01-16-2019 - Committee vote to recommend the approval of Draft #2 to the Board.
               02-19-2019 - Board voted to approve Draft #2 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.
03-20-2019 - Occupational Licensing Review Commission determined that Sections 2441, 2443, and 2457 could be promulgated without Commission Review; however Section 2447 required Commission review prior to promulgation.
               04-20-2019 - Sections 2441, 2443, and 2457 incorporated as Regulatory Project 2019-1A.
               04-20-2019 - Section 2447 incorporated as Regulatory Project 2019-1B.

~ Amends multiple chapters of rules to implement Act 602 of the 2018 Legislature, which recognizes the use of chart orders by pharmacies serving patients in institutional healthcare facilities.
               11-07-2018 - Members reviewed stakeholder input and requested a first draft for its next committee meeting.
               01-16-2019 - Committee reviewed, in part, Draft #1; will continue their review at their next meeting.
               03-19-2019 - Members completed their review of Draft #1, made changes, and requested a new draft.
               04-24-2019 - Committee voted to recommend the approval of Draft #2 by the Board.  Subsequent to the committee meeting, the Board President authorized the removal of the portion of Draft #2 referencing Chapter 12 - Automated Medication Systems and transferred that content to Regulatory Proposal 2019-C (see above) relative to automated medication systems, to place all that related text within the same proposal.  The resulting document is Draft #3.
               05-29-2019 - Board voted to approve Draft #3 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.

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