
Friday, March 2, 2018

Important Information from The Inspector's Desk: Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy

February 1, 2018

CDS Prescriptions:  In Oklahoma, a physician cannot issue multiple prescriptions to a patient for the same drug.  The DEA allows this but the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs does not have a corresponding law or rule that allows it in Oklahoma.  It is illegal for a prescriber to postdate a prescription.  All CDS prescriptions must be dated and signed on the day when issued.  If a prescriber does not want the patient to fill it that day, then they can put instructions on the prescription as to the date when it can be filled.  The date to be filled should not exceed 30 days from the date written for CII prescriptions.
Clarification of transferring “on hold” CDS prescriptions:  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has issued a statement allowing pharmacies to transfer “on-hold” Schedule II-V electronic prescriptions from one pharmacy to another if they had not been filled at the original pharmacy.  However, they require the transfer to be done electronically and the EPCS software does not permit pharmacies to transmit prescriptions from one pharmacy to another.  Fax transmittal is not considered to be electronic transmission. If software is changed to accommodate the requirements of EPCS, then “on-hold” CDS prescriptions may be transferred between pharmacies.
DEA does not permit pharmacies to transfer “on-hold” CDS prescriptions that have been received by any other means of communication, including facsimile, verbal, or written.
These requirements do not apply to the transfer of refills of CDS prescriptions.  Refills may be transferred as per OAC 535:15-3-12 and 535:15-3-12.1.

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