
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Health Law Repeal Leaves Nevada Republican Torn Between ...
4 hours ago - The legislation could affect 210,000 Nevada residents insured through the health care law's expansion of Medicaid. ... As early as Thursday, the Senate will take a momentous vote to repeal the health law, and for Republicans from states that expanded their Medicaid program, the options are anything but palatable.

From Worse to Bad on Health Care - The New York Times
3 hours ago - But maintaining a smaller version of that subsidy would have, once again, cost money, so instead the health care law's biggest losers will continue to lose out.

Trump says new GOP healthcare bill 'guarantees' coverage for pre ...
21 hours ago - Trump has largely blamed Democrats for the failure of the GOP health care bill. .... President Trump signed into law Friday a bill that will ease restrictions on the ...

Trump ready to single out GOP senators who oppose healthcare bill
1 hour ago - The president also attacked former President Barack Obama's often-used line to sell his signature healthcare law, a promise that Americans can keep their ...

Senate version of health-care law gets mixed reviews in Texas ...
Senate Republicanshealth offering receives a mixed reception in Texas. By Jenny Deam. June 22,2017 UpdatedJune 222017 11:07pm. Houston Methodist ...
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