
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Trump's Budget: NIH Funding In Mass.

WBUR-Mar 16, 2017
Massachusetts is the second-largest recipient of grants from the National Institutes of Health. In 2016 alone, the state received approximately ...
Trump Budget Cuts to Scientific, Medical Research Would Have ... 16, 2017

20% cut to NIH budget would leave Americans more vulnerable to ...

Los Angeles Times-Mar 16, 2017
Under President Trump's proposal, NIH funding would lose almost as much ground in a single year as it did between 2003 and 2014, when ...
Trump NIH cuts threaten Mass.
Opinion-The Boston Globe-Mar 16, 2017

Trump budget cuts could hit research universities hard, Moody's warns

Washington Post-21 hours ago
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, for instance, was awarded $651 million in NIH funding in 2016, while University of California at San ...

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