
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Experts: The GOP Health Care Plan Just Won't Work - NBC News
9 hours ago - For one, tax credits to help people buy health insurance in the individual market are less generous than the Affordable Care Act for some of the most vulnerable Americans. ... The bill also removes ACA subsidies that allows some lower-income customers to pay fewer out-of-pocket costs through their plan.

Who Wins, Who Loses With the GOP Health Care Bill - NBC News
2 hours ago - The reason for the change is all in how the bills provide tax relief for buying health care. Under Obamacare, tax subsidies are partly determined by the cost of local health care and are not given to higher earners. In the House bill, tax credits are pegged to income and age, and are available to higher earners.

Who Wins and Who Loses Under Republicans' Health Care Plan - The ...
15 hours ago - Tax credits in the Republican plan compared with Obamacare. ... Both Obamacare and the recent Republican replacement proposal use refundable tax credits to help people buy their healthinsurance. ... Under the G.O.P. proposal, many of the people whose tax credits would fall sharply would ...

Why Republicans Can't Do Health Care - The New York Times
10 hours ago - President Trump speaking about health care on Tuesday at the White House. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times. After the 1976 election, the Democratic ...

GOP health care plan: Influential hospitals, doctor groups come out ...
4 hours ago - The new round of opposition underscored the challenge that proponents of the bill, known as the American Health Care Act, are facing. It came as the White ...

Health care providers oppose GOP bill to repeal Obamacare ...
30 mins ago - Washington (CNN) The nation's leading hospital and doctor groups are lining up against the Republican health care bill, saying they fear millions of Americans ...

Trump Administration Adopts 3 Phase Plan To Overhaul Health Care ...
5 hours ago - A Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, currently being marked up in House committees, is the first step of GOP plans to overhaul the nation's health ...

Americans Probably Won't Like Parts Of The GOP Health Care Bill ...
15 hours ago - The health care plan House Republicans put forward to replace the Affordable Care Act is just a starting point for negotiations. And we don't have any polling y

AARP Opposes Healthcare Bill - AARP
1 day ago - Older Americans need affordable health care services and prescriptions. This plan goes in the opposite direction, increasing insurance premiums for older ...

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