
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AMA says American Health Care Act is Critically Flawed | American ...
12 hours ago - CHICAGO – In a letter to congressional leaders, the American Medical Association (AMA) today outlined provisions of the American Health Care Act that would ...

20 ideas to crush Obamacare and cure America's health care crisis
10 hours ago - Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. (F, 16%) is famous for declaring health care a right. He is actually correct if we were to tweak his statement to read, “free market health ...

Good luck, women! Under the GOP health care bill, it'll be tougher to ...
8 hours ago - Policy wonks and journalists are still reeling from the release of the much-ballyhooed Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act blandly named the ...

Conway pushes back on 'TrumpCare' label for GOP healthcare bill ...
10 hours ago - "It's the American Health Care Act, and I think it's aptly named that for that reason. It wants everybody to have access to coverage, and that didn't happen under ...

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