Monday, October 10, 2016

Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy Shows It Means Business Regarding nonresident pharmacy having Oklahoma-licensed pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) who is responsible for the nonresident pharmacy’s compliance with Oklahoma laws

Martin-Tipton Pharmacy, #99-6012 – Case No. 1405: Admitted to guilt on four counts including failing, as a nonresident pharmacy, to submit on initial licensure the name and license number of an Oklahoma-licensed pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) who is responsible for the nonresident pharmacy’s compliance with Oklahoma laws; and failing, as PIC in an Oklahoma-licensed nonresident pharmacy, to be currently licensed as a pharmacist in the state in which he or she is practicing and in Oklahoma. $5,000 fine. Pharmacy shall not ship drugs into Oklahoma until an Oklahoma-licensed PIC is hired.

source Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy October 2016 Newsletter

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