
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

OSBP vs Wellston Clinic Pharmacy, #31-5799 – Case No. 1414

OSBP vs Wellston Clinic Pharmacy, #31-5799 – Case No. 1414: The Board was called to order by President Spoon to hear the case of Wellston Clinic Pharmacy. Kathy Dossey, owner and PIC was present as representative of the pharmacy. Assistant Attorney General, Brinda White presented the Board with the Complaint for review. The Respondent was charged with multiple violations of state and federal regulations and rules, including failing to ensure that the prescription drug or medication order, regardless of the means of transmission, has been issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an authorized prescriber acting in the usual course of the prescriber’s professional practice. Ms. White then presented the Board with an Agreed Order. If the Board accepts the Agreed Order, Wellston Clinic Pharmacy would agree to the following: The Respondent would admit guilt on Counts 4-3004. Respondent would agree to pay $10.00 per count for a total fine of $10,000.00 which is due on June 15, 2016. Motion was made by Dr. Justin Wilson and seconded by Dr. Greg Adams to accept the Agreed Order. Motion passed on roll call vote.

source Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy June 2016 minutes

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