
Friday, January 29, 2016

A few Articles on the Importance of Pharmacies Having Compliance Programs which may include hiring in house compliance specialists to reduce the risk of health care fraud and other potential charges and to provide a line of defense

The Life of a Compliance Program: From Creation to Use as ...
American Bar Association
Approximately $3.8 billion of the recoveries relate to civil healthcare fraud cases and $450 ... compliance program should be the first line of defense against 

Compliance: The First Step to Surviving a Health Care ...
Jun 26, 2014 - That's why having a compliance program in place, and a compliance ...

As fraud crackdown grows, so does need for corporate ...
Feb 17, 2015 - Risk reduction strategies rinclude detailed compliance programs, internal ... "Ignorance is not a defense in the healthcare fraud environment

Pharmacy Compliance - Health Care Compliance Association
Health Care Compliance Association
Apr 30, 2015 - Pharmacy Compliance. HCCA Regional ... Medicaid. Press. Whistle-. Blowers. OIG. State AGs/. MedicaidFraud. Control. Units ... Support, not supplant, state Medicaid program integrity efforts ... DEA says pharmacists are “last line

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