Monday, November 2, 2015

Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Mark Baum says: "For example, following the NECC tragedy many compounders across the country have decided that they were going to sell pain creams and pain gels at ridiculously high prices. So compounders have done just about everything they can possibly do over the last few years to annihilate their wonderful, humane contributions to the health care economy and all the goodwill that was built up over decades." in exclusive interview with State of Reform

Exclusive: Mark Baum's disruptive solution to the “drug pricing crisis ...

State of Reform-2 hours ago
The San Diego-based pharmaceutical compounding company announced that it would be offering a customizable compoundedalternative to the drug at $1 a ...
Turing Pharmaceuticals Gets Clobbered by the Free Market
Business Administration Information-5 hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

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