
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Reminder: Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Scheduled to hold public hearing on compounding for office use for veterinarians on 11/18/2015 (which is interesting since they are moving ahead without waiting to see what the FDA and/or Congress does and may have to hold another hearing after the federal laws and rules are final)

2015-4 ~ Compounding for Office Use for Veterinarians [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2015-D]
               05-27-2015     Board adopted Declaration of Emergency and Emergency Rule, to become effective on 06-01-2015.
               06-01-2015     Posted as an Emergency Rule with an immediate effective date.
               06-01-2015     Distributed required notices to Offices of the Governor, Attorney General, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Director of the Louisiana Register.
               06-01-2015     Distributed electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to List of Interested Parties, as well as all pharmacies, pharmacists, interns, technicians, and technician candidates.
               07-01-2015     Notified all pharmacy licensees in July 2015 Newsletter.
               07-09-2015     1st Report submitted to Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health & Welfare.
               07-10-2015     Distributed electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to List of Interested Parties, as well as all pharmacies, pharmacists, interns, technicians, and technician candidates.
               07-20-2015     Notice of Intent published in Louisiana Register
               08-26-2015     Public Hearing
               09-21-2015     Board re-issued Emergency Rule, effective today
               09-21-2015     Distributed required notices to Offices of the Governor, Attorney General, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Director of the Louisiana Register.
               09-21-2015     Distributed electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to List of Interested Parties, as well as all pharmacies, pharmacists, interns, technicians, and technician candidates.
               10-01-2015     Notified all pharmacy licensees in October 2015 Newsletter.
               11-18-2015     Board scheduled to consider comments and testimony from public hearing

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