
Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Number of New Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Rules Became Effective October 20, 2015

2015-H ~ Amends Chapter 15 - Hospital Pharmacy to a new Section §1527 ~ Remote Access to Medical Orders.  This rule will permit a pharmacist employed by or under contract with a hospital pharmacy to have access to that pharmacy's dispensing information system from a location other than a pharmacy in order to process prescription drug orders or medical orders, but only under certain circumstances.
               04-30-2015 - Committee reviewed Draft #1 and then voted to recommend its approval at the next Board meeting.
               05-27-2015 - Board vote to approve Draft #1 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.
               07-20-2015 - Incorporated as Regulatory Project 2015-8.
               10-20-2015 - Final Rule published, effective today.

2015-G ~ Amends Chaptaer 24 ~ Limited Service Providers by creating a new Subchapter D ~ Remote Processor Pharmacy.  This rule will develop a new type of pharmacy permit for a remote processor pharmacy that may be established within the state.  This type of pharmacy will not be permitted to procure, possess, or dispense any prescription drugs or controlled substances, but will be permitted to perform remote processing services for other pharmacies.
               04-30-2015 - Committee reviewed Draft #1, requested one amendment, then voted to recommend the approval of Draft #2 at the next Board meeting.
               05-27-2015 - Board voted to approve Draft #2 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.
               07-20-2015 - Incorporated as Regulatory Project 2015-7.
               10-20-2015 - Final Rule published, effective today.

2015-F ~ Amends Chapter 24 ~ Limited Service Providers by creating a new Subchapter C ~ Telepharmacy Services.  This rule will develop a new type of pharmacy permit for a telepharmcy dispensing site to be placed in an area without pharmacy services that can be supervised via technology by another pharmacy within the state.
               04-30-2015 - Committee reviewed Draft #1 and requested several amendments.
               05-26-2015 - Committee reviewed Draft #2 and requested one amendment.
               05-27-2015 - Board considered Draft #3 and approved an amendment, then voted to approve Draft #4 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.
               07-20-2015 - Incorporated as Regulatory Project 2015-6.
               10-20-2015 - Final Rule published, effective today. 

2015-E ~ Amends Chapter 25 - Prescriptions, Drugs, & Devices, more specifically §2511 - Prescriptions, to reinstate, for a temporary amount of time, the recognition of an electronic signature of the prescriber on a prescription for a drug not listed as a controlled substance that is received by facsimile in a pharmacy.
               04-29-2015 - Committee reviewed Draft #1 and requested one amendment, then voted to recommend the approval of Draft #2 at the next Board meeting.
               05-27-2015 - Board voted to approve Draft #2 for promulgation, upon the instruction of the President.
               06-01-2015 - Incorporated as Regulatory Project 2015-5 and posted as an Emergency Rule with an immediate effective date.
               10-20-2015 - Final Rule published, effective today; Emergency Rule cancelled.               

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