
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Wide range of views on the revised 21st Century Cures Draft Legislation

  • House Panel Reviews Revised 21st Century Cures Draft ...
    Association of American Medical Colleges
    23 hours ago - On April 30, the one-year anniversary launch of the 21st Century Curesinitiative, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing to ...
  • [PDF]Inside Health Policy FDA Week -
    14 hours ago - The second draft of the House 21st Century Cures legislation unveiled Wednesday (April 29) retains clinical trial modernization proposals included in the first  ...
  • Appreciation, concern greet lawmakers discussing draft for ...
    16 hours ago - While the overall 21st Century Cures Act remains what House Health Subcommittee Chairman Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.) called "a work in progress," it's the product of ...
  • 21st Century Cures Act limits FDA's ability to protect public ... › ... › From the Editor
    Modern Healthcare
    16 hours ago - The so-called 21st Century Cures Act also contains sections that would hamstring healthcare providers and insurers in their efforts to lower the cost of care.
  • FDA Funding and 21st Century Cures | Alliance for a ...
    23 hours ago - On Wednesday, April 29, the House Energy and Commerce Committee released the latest 200-page draft of its 21st Century Cures initiative. Media and a ...
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