
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Question of the Day April 28, 2015 How many pharmacies have provided HIPPA training to all their employees? How many do so on a regular basis? How many make sure all new employees receive the training? Note this was not done in recent case involving pharmacy fined $125,000

  1. Denver Pharmacy Ignores HIPAA Privacy Rule, Fined $125K

    Health Data Management-59 minutes ago
    Cornell Prescription Pharmacy, a small, single-location business in Denver, will pay a $125,000 settlement fine and adopt a corrective action plan for failure to ...

    “Evidence obtained by OCR during its investigation revealed Cornell’s failure to implement any written policies and procedures as required by the HIPAA Privacy Rule,” according to an OCR announcement. “Cornell also failed to provide training on policies and procedures to its workforce as required by the Privacy Rule.”

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