Friday, April 3, 2015

Florida Board of Pharmacy Discusses Veterinary Compounding SB 1180 HB 1049 and office use during March 2015 Meeting

3. Veterinary compounding SB 1180, sponsored by Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater HB 1049, sponsored by Rep. Kathleen Peters, R-South Pasadena Both bills create a statutory definition of “office use compounding” and create a distinction for office use compounding of veterinary medications. Ms. Dudley summarized the bills, saying they created an office use compounding definition; nothing prevents from being dispensed to veterinarian to dispense to animals or owners. Dr. Mikhael said Florida doesn’t have anything in regulation that prohibit. The board’s definition of compounding in 64B16-27.700 is very specific to human use and consistent with federal definitions. Mr. Flynn said the bills’ definition coincides 100 percent with what our rule allows. Office use compounding coincides with 27.700. Veterinary drugs have always been allowed to be dispensed. Dr. Weizer said there is nothing, based on interpretive language from the federal government, which prohibits office compounding for animal use. FDA has a guidance document. Large animals cannot be brought to office. Motion by Dr. Fallon to support the bills; seconded by Dr. Alvarez. Motion carried unanimously. Philip Hinkle of the Florida Veterinary Medical Association thanked the board for their support.

quoted from Minutes of March 13, 2015 Meeting

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