
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Verified Pharmacy Program (VPP) helping to ease burden of all the nonresident pharmacy inspections that need to be completed

On-Demand Inspections Pharmacy boards around the country are being faced with nonresident pharmacies that have not been inspected in a reasonable time or in some cases have never been inspected. This of course puts the state in a position of not being sure that the pharmacy is operated in a safe or even a legal manner. As a result, many states are requiring that a recent copy of an inspection by the state of domicile accompany an initial or renewal nonresident application. This puts a hardship on the state of domicile at a time when budgets prohibit most states from performing what has come to be known as the “on-demand” inspection. Fortunately, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) has developed the Verified Pharmacy Program™ (VPP™), which can assist nonresident pharmacies in meeting the inspection requirement for some states. More information about VPP, including details on the application process, fees, and processing time, is available in the Programs section of the NABP website,

quoted from Arizona Board of Pharmacy April 2015 Newsletter

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