
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Veterinarians May Wish to Comment on this Amendment to Model ARCI Rules

An amendment to Model Rule ARCI-011-020 and ARCI-025-020 is being considered that would say the following: "Any drug or medication which is used or kept on Association Grounds and which, by federal law, state law, or racing commission regulation requires a prescription must have been validly prescribed by a duly licensed veterinarian who shall be a veterinarian licensed by the regulatory authority or the veterinary board in the state in which the association grounds are located, and in compliance with the applicable state statutes and regulations." Comments are being solicited on whether a prescription should be required by a veterinarian licensed in the state where the track is located, or whether any veterinarian properly licensed elsewhere can write the prescription regardless of where they are licensed as a veterinarian.

Those wishing to comment on the proposed language may do so online at the ARCI website.

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