
Monday, January 5, 2015

Reader Has Questions Regarding B12 and How it is Produced! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The following are my questions regarding industrially produced B12:

1. Is the Vitamin B-12 produced industrially derived from bacteria fermentation of a genetically engineered source?

2. If genetic engineering is used is the final product GMO-free, and does the process not allow otherwise (only can result in a GMO-free final product)?

3.  Does the bacteria fermentation of the Vitamin B-12 come from human/animal fecal matter?

4. If yes, are there any FDA or any other regulatory body regulations for the industrial production of B-12 used for medical and food production?

As ridiculous as that may sound to some, I'm quite serious in asking to know whether or not that is true (and I'm not the only one who shares concern regarding that question) as I've read, including from encyclopedias, that vitamin B12 is found in excrement, such activated sewage sludge and manure, and there are companies and people that, although without proof to validate, claim industrially produced vitamin B12 is derived from such a source for medical and food usage.

1 comment:

  1. The questions are logical, and unanswerable, because, pharmacists know very little about the origins and integrity of the chemicals they buy for compounding. The fact that they cannot answer a question regarding the synthetic process for producing the active ingredient they incorporate into a finished drug should be off-putting. This person will find great frustration researching the questions below, but, for a start, they may want to look at who is supplying B12/cyanocobalamin actives: . They can also ask the pharmacist for a copy of the certificate of analysis for the B12, which they will find equally frustrating.
