Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Essential Read! The University of Southern California's football team doctor, James Tibone, injected a player with the controversial painkiller Toradol in a manner contrary to Food and Drug Administration warnings about the safe and proper use of the drug and also failed to warn the player about the drug's possible adverse effects, according to court documents obtained by VICE Sports.

read more here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good read for those inclined to ignore FDA-vetted information provided by manufacturers of drugs= Banja j. Medical Errors and Medical Narcissism--there is healthy narcissism that is healthy for the practice of medicine, and then there is pathologic narcissism that is potentially very very dangerous for patients--this appears to be on the pathologic end of the spectrum according to this excerpt:

"He did not provide supporting evidence for his position, admitting that before and during the period he gave the drug to Armstead and other USC players he: (a) conducted no research or surveys on Toradol's adverse effects; (b) read no peer-reviewed journal articles on the matter prior to Armstead's heart attack; (c) did not investigate the drug beyond talking to NFL trainers he knew and having a brief, informal conversation with a friend who is a cardiovascular surgeon."

Another good read= Clinical Judgement-Evidence in Practice by R.S. Downie and Jane Macnaughton, illustrating important concepts underpinning the pharmacovigilance practice of updating safety information. That is, "what is unavoidable at one point in history becomes avoidable at another."

But only if we are engaged and paying attention.