Tuesday, January 6, 2015

ABA Program on False Claims Act Fundamentals


Thursday, 2/19/15
12:00PM - 1:30PM EST

CLE credits requested1.5 of CLE Credit Requested
List price$195.00
ABA Member price$150.00
Sponsor Member price$115.00

Health Law Section
Criminal Justice Section 
Young Lawyers Division
Our expert panel will discuss the FCA, its whistleblower or "qui tam" provisions, recent amendments to the FCA, and the application of the FCA to healthcare fraud and abuse cases.

Topics the panel will address include:
  • How are "qui tam" cases filed by private counsel and how are they handled by the DOJ?
  • Who qualifies as a proper "qui tam" plaintiff?
  • What makes a claim "false" and what types of "false claims" give rise to FCA liability?

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