
Sunday, December 28, 2014

My Meds Matters Org (look at group of supporting compounding pharmacies and compare to the ones that attended the AVMA convention and many other conventions attended by vets): DRUG COMPANIES' LOOSE PURSE STRINGS COURT VETS

Rock concerts. Magic shows. Contests in which everyone who plays is a winner.
For five days, the action never stopped at the McCormick Place convention center, as more than 9,000 veterinarians and technicians flocked to see the latest medicines and attend clinical workshops organized by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Around the show floor, the world's biggest drugmakers had set up exhibits two stories tall, with enough flashing lights and giant twirling logos to resemble a Detroit car show.
The vets, the nation's last line of defense against unsafe drugs getting to animals, were receiving a blizzard of meals, books, electronic gadgets and speaking fees from drugmakers.

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