
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

USADA’s Travis Tygart tells about Lance, Gatlin’s comeback, and the war on doping

TRAVIS TYGART, THE chief executive of the US Anti-Doping Agency and the man who ultimately exposed Lance Armstrong and the US Postal team, was in Dublin to speak at an anti-doping seminar yesterday.
Afterwards he sat down for an interview with The following is an abbreviated transcript of that conversation.
Q: Are you winning or losing the war on doping at the moment?
TT: I’m hopeful we’re as far ahead as we’ve ever been and, most importantly, giving hope to clean athletes that they can not only compete clean but that they can also win today clean.
That doesn’t mean that we can give up and that it has been won. We have to be candid about the win at all costs culture that affects every sport at every level, in the US at least, right the way down to youth participation. People play to win and so we can’t be naive to think that it’s going to go away.
continue to read here

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