
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Question of the Day November 19, 2014 How many other sports, if any, use Ketamine in low doses of say, 40-60mg, would provide significant pain relief, anxiolysis, and a lessening of the “negative chatter”? If it is used, who is the source? Is it put in a compounded medication?

2. Ketamine. Cycling is pain, fear, and anguish, peppered with the occasional burst of exhilaration and euphoria (which by the way, make the misery totally worth it). In elite professional cyclists, I see little difference in the physical capabilities of these athletes. Where cyclists crack is usually on the mental side: “I can’t do this. This mountain is too steep. It’s too long. There’s no way I can maintain this speed. I’m going to have to drop back.” Their bodies have not failed them, their willpower has. Ketamine, in low doses of say, 40-60mg, would provide significant pain relief, anxiolysis, and a lessening of the “negative chatter” that is constantly trying to take over when you’re on a particularly difficult section of a long climb.

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