
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Performance enhancer may spur horse bleeding HORSE BIZ Gregory A. Hall, 4:23 p.m. EST November 12, 2014

As horse racing officials work to address the use of the performance-enhancing drug cobalt, a Kentucky regulatory veterinarian said Wednesday that new research is demonstrating that cobalt use may have a potentially deadly side effect.

Dr. Mary Scollay, the equine medical director for the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, told a Kentucky legislative subcommittee that early testing is showing that the use of cobalt -- a blood doping agent increases stamina by spurring the creation of red blood cells -- may contribute to exercise-induced respiratory hemorrhaging (EIPH), a respiratory bleeding condition that limits horses' running ability and is deadly in the worst cases.

Regulators nationally have been debating possible rules to address cobalt use, but have yet to reach an agreement.

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