
Saturday, November 22, 2014

NH Board of Pharmacy to Hold Work Sessions on Rules

Work Session On Rules
 The Board will be holding a work session on its Ph 300 Adobe Acrobat symbolrules (Licensing Regulations for Pharmacists, In-State Pharmacies, and Prescription Drug / Device Manufacturers / Wholesalers / Distributors) on Friday, November 21, 2014 at 2:30 P.M. at the Board Office (Philbrook Building, 121 South Fruit Street, Concord, NH - Conference Room 126. The public is welcome to attend but seating is extremely limited - please email the Board if you plan on attending. This is the beginning of rules planning for this section of the Board's rules and no proposed changes have been submitted yet..
 Work Session On Rules
 The Board will be holding a work session on its Ph 700 Adobe Acrobat symbol(Standards of Practice) rules on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 3:30 P.M. at the Board Office (Philbrook Building, 121 South Fruit Street, Concord, NH - Conference Room 116. The public is welcome to attend. This is the beginning of rules planning for this section of the Board's rules and no proposed changes have been submitted yet.

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