
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Details About Armstrong re "legitimate science catching up to underground science" and potential use of dissociative properties of ketamine to power through physically-demanding challenges

Someone who had gone through cancer and who has been doping for years at the highest level, like Lance Armstrong, would conceivably have doctors administer his PEDs and in such doses so that they could pass through his system quickly, so that he could be confident in giving himself an extra 20 minute window.  And Ketamine would also give Armstrong something to think about when he is making that torturous climb through the Pyrenees.  Also, Ketamine, as an anesthetic, is not a tested for substance or even a banned substance, which would keep the heavily scrutinized Armstrong clean, even if the doping authorities knew what they were looking for, as from the tale of Armstrong and EPO, we can certainly conclude that his samples will be perpetually stored and screened for obvious PEDs and new PEDs, as the “legitimate” science world catches up to the underground science world.

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