
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Third Quesition of the Day October 21, 2014 If a major pharmacecutical company gave campaign contributions only to eight out of the twenty-two members of the HELP Committee, how is this considered trying to put compounders out of business? Why didn't they give to over half of all the members? The real question is how many individual compounding pharmacies and pharmacists and their family members and employees gave contributions and to how many members? Why do the compounders have a big meeting on the hill and attempt to influence so many members of Congress? Isn't it time for compounding pharmacists to tell the truth, play by the rules, and stop taking innocent peoples' money who believe a lot of the false and/or misleading advertising and claims put out by this shadow industry? Compounds are needed. Good compounders are needed. But illegal compounding needs to stop.

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