
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Reminder from Gigi Davidson as to what Focus Should be in Veterinary Compounding: Veterinary Pharmacists Protect Both Animal Health and Human Health-

Veterinary pharmacists are also involved in stewardship of the human food supply by ensuring that veterinary drugs and drugs used in food-producing animals or their tissues are either drug-free or are below the federal tolerance for drugs in that food. Veterinary pharmacists are also actively engaged in governmental settings in monitoring and preventing the spread of animal-vector borne diseases (e.g. tick borne diseases, leptospirosis, West Nile virus, rabies, or cat scratch fever) that pose a risk to human health, and veterinary pharmacists are also employed at the National Institutes of Health to ensure that laboratory research animals are given optimal pharmaceutical care. 
It has truly been a pleasure to practice veterinary pharmacy for the last 31 years. Every day is a challenge and a pleasure, and I go home every night with the comfort of knowing that not only have I helped animals in my daily work, but that I have also impacted human health in some very tangible way.
Gigi Davidson's story is the latest in a series of profiles of pharmacists featured as part of World Pharmacist Day and American Pharmacists Month. You might also enjoy this post by Jeanne Sun - The Pharmacy: More Than Just Another Service Counter.
Gigi S. Davidson, BSPharm, R.Ph., DICVP is Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Chair of USP’s Compounding Expert Committee
quoted from here

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