
Friday, October 17, 2014

Hot Debate Regarding Compounders Having a Financial Interest in Compounded Drugs: See Comments Below

Reminder Compounding Pharmacies Have Financial Interests in Compounding Drugs!!


Quoted from PPSI - Pharmacy Compounding Facts
Pharmacies have financial interests in compounding drugs, which may ... "Hot Spot Legal Issues Vets Can't Ignor," Dr. Charlotte A. Lacroix suggests the  


Anonymous said...
Remember! Big Pharma has Financial Interests in DESTROYING compounding!!!
Anonymous said...
I honestly believe this is false information spread by the compounding industry. If the laws regarding compounding were followed by the compounding industry, they would be of little threat or interest to Big Pharma. The problem is big pharma pays to go through the process of research and testing and getting their drugs approved by FDA. Compounders do not; nor do they want to because they know a number of those drugs they are compounding are either replicas they should not be compounding or could not pass the testing required to be approved. Compounders need to stop spreading false and misleading information. Have you ever read the disclosures phamplet in FDA-approved drugs? They make the required disclosures of the risk and dangers. Compounders do no such thing and instead falsely claim their products are so much safer and better with no scientific evidence to back it up. Again, if compounders played by the rules and followed the laws, there would be no or very little threat to big pharma.
Anonymous said...
Compounders have DESTROYED Compounding!!!
Anonymous said...
If Big Pharma truly had a financial interest in destroying compounding, why wouldn't we see a lot more Big Pharma companies suing compounders for patent infringement? Why wouldn't we see them pouring a lot more money into politicans regarding legislation such as DQSA? Why did compounding organizations and compounding pharmacists pour more money into stopping the DQSA than we saw Big Pharma pouring into the passage of it?

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