
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Petition for Review under Tex. R. App. P. 53.1 Style: RANDOLL MILL PHARMACY, KVG ENTERPRISES, INC., GARY G. DALEY, JOHN WAYNE BAILEY, JAMES ROBERT FORSYTHE, KEVIN LYNN HEIDE, JULIE KNOWLTON LUBBERT AND CARA MORRELL v.: STACEY MILLER AND RANDY MILLER --Reply brief on the Merits filed on behalf of Randoll Mill Pharmacy, et. al and Brief on Mertis filed on behalf of Stacey and Randy Miller; How many state court cases with compounding medication issues are on-going?

09/19/2014Reply brief filedPetitioner Reply brief on the Merits filed on behalf of Randoll Mill Pharmacy, et al.  
 [ PDF/55 KB ]
09/05/2014Brief filedRespondent Brief on the Merits filed on behalf of Stacey and Randy Miller. 
 [ PDF/207 KB ]

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