
Monday, September 1, 2014

Multiple Prescriptions of a Schedule II CS in Kansas

Multiple Prescriptions of a Schedule II CS

The federal rule allows a practitioner to provide a patient with

multiple prescriptions on the same day for the same Schedule II

controlled substance (CS) to be filled sequentially. There is no

federal or state limit on the amount a prescriber can prescribe, but

when a prescriber issues multiple prescriptions of the same drug

on the same day, the combined amount shall not exceed a 90-day

supply. It is up to the prescriber to determine how many separate

prescriptions to write. For example, a prescriber may issue three

30-day Schedule II prescriptions to cover the 90 days, or he or she

may issue nine 10-day Schedule II prescriptions to cover the 90

days. Each prescription must be individually written on a separate

prescription. Once the prescription is filled, the inspector would

expect to find either three separate canceled prescriptions or nine

canceled prescriptions.

Source found here

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