
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Arizonia Board of Pharmacy to Inspecct Wells Pharmacy Network in Florida

AGENDA ITEM 15 – Wells Pharmacy Network – Case 14-0019-PHR

President Foy stated that the Board has received a letter from Wells Pharmacy Network concerning the Consent Agreement that was offered to them in response to an FDA warning letter. President Foy stated that Wells Pharmacy Network is declining to sign the Consent Agreement and is requesting a formal hearing.

On motion by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Ms. Rosas, the Board unanimously agreed to

rescind their action offering a consent agreement to Wells Pharmacy Network.

The Board members discussed various options and decided to send a Compliance Officer to

Florida to conduct an inspection.

On motion by Ms. Locnikar and seconded by Mr. Minkus, the Board unanimously agreed to table the complaint until a Compliance Officer conducts an inspection at the pharmacy and the Board can review the outcome.
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