
Friday, August 22, 2014

New Catamaran Effort to Control Compounds Looks at Safety, Cost with SECURE Plan; concerned about compounds made in bulk

The increased use and spend associated with compounded medications has become a hot-button topic in recent months as payers have noticed these therapies creeping into their top 10 drug spend lists and Express Scripts Holding Co. reported that utilization among its clients jumped 30% in 2013 (DBN 4/18/14, p. 1). Similarly, Catamaran Corp. witnessed a five-fold increase in annual spending on compounded medications across its commercial book of business from 2012 to 2013.
As a result, Catamaran has put together a “robust menu of services” that can be tailored to meet clients’ specific needs. The company on June 16 unveiled the new Safe & Effective Compound Use Reassurance Effort (SECURE) program dedicated solely to addressing compounded medications from both a clinical and a financial perspective.

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