
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Horse Doping: Jones: "Either we eliminate the problem, or the problem is going to eliminate us"

But given the network of state regulatory bodies, how would you envision The Jockey Club’s role working? And where would it get the authority to actually take punitive actions other than pulling a horse’s registration, for example?
“We need to strengthen the penalties for doping horses, for example, and then you need to give that job of enforcement to somebody like the United States Anti-Doping Agency [USADA]. If you have USADA in control of that under the larger umbrella of The Jockey Club, it would seem to me that you would have your best opportunity of doing this properly. But what’s happened in the horse industry is that there’s been too much wrist-slapping when rules are broken and not enough penalties applied for these broken rules.”
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