
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Virginia Board of Pharmacy Gloved Fingertip Sampling Not Being Performed as required by 797

Gloved Fingertip Sampling

During inspections it has been observed that gloved

fingertip sampling is not always being performed. The

requirement in USP Chapter <797> is that

All compounding personnel shall successfully

complete an initial competency evaluation and

gloved fingertip/thumb sampling procedure

(zero [colony-forming units]) no less than three

times before initially being allowed to compound

[compounded sterile products (CSPs)] for human

use. After completing the initial gowning and

gloving competency evaluation, re-evaluation of

all compounding personnel for this competency

shall occur at least annually for personnel who

compound low and medium-risk level CSPs and

semi-annually for personnel who compound

high-risk level CSPs using one or more sample

collections during any media-fill test procedure

before they are allowed to continue compounding

CSPs for human use.

Please note, documentation of completion of gloved

fingertip sampling must be available for each individual

who engages in the preparation of compounded sterile

drug products.

quoted from here

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