
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fifth Question of the Day July 30, 2014 How many patients know about the overlap between IACP and PCCA and that PCCA housed IACP for years and then in fact named the IACP building after IACP raised 1 millon dollars for its new headquarters?

IACP Headquarters
For many years, PCCA generously provided office space to IACP.

While this invaluable gift is appreciated, IACP determined it was

important to establish an independent identity and began to

explore the building of a new IACP Headquarters. In June 2003,

IACP began fundraising for its first-ever Capital Campaign —
Bricks, Mortar & Pestle: Building a Foundation for the Future.
The campaign goal was two-fold:

1. Raise $500,000 to establish a permanent endowment

funding research and education initiatives advancing

pharmacy compounding; and

2. Raise $1,000,000 to fund a new headquarters for IACP.

This campaign was successfully completed in 2005 with Members’

contributions exceeding the Foundation’s goal to raise $1.5 million

by $500,000, for a total of $2 million. The additional funds were

designated to the Foundation’s endowment for research and education.

Construction on the building began in August 2005 and was expected

to be completed in first quarter 2006.

In honor and recognition of the in-kind and financial support

throughout the years, PCCA was given the naming rights to the

building. As a result, the name of the new headquarters is the

Kay Sparks IACP Building.

quoted from here

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