
Friday, July 25, 2014

Reputable Pet Med Suppliers Crucial -points out Problem with Internet and Feed Stores

Contrary to the implications made in the editorial "Pet Meds A Federal Issue?" [July 23], veterinarians are not getting rich off the drugs they dispense from their in-house pharmacies.

It is a fact that many of the drugs used for pets are the same as those used in human medicine. As a result, we can and do write many prescriptions for these medications. A larger and more serious problem is with Internet pharmacies and feed stores, where the drugs on the shelves may have been stranded on a loading dock somewhere in Galveston for two weeks before being shipped to the purchaser. If the feds are going to mandate the writing of scripts to other than human pharmacies (which are regulated), then they will have to begin regulating production (often substandard) and the handling of these drugs by middlemen.
continue to read here

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