
Thursday, July 3, 2014

PCCA: Patient Follow-Up to Build a Quality Compounding Practice

How can your quality assurance programs pay off commensurate with your efforts?

By Danyce Ashton, PCCA Director of Sales, and William J. Zolner, PhD, Eagle Analytical Services Chief Scientific Officer
We are often asked, “How does a pharmacy know that their quality assurance programs are paying off commensurate with their efforts?” A second question usually quickly follows as to how they can also build their business utilizing these quality efforts. This has been a classic question since businesses began focusing on quality, and one that often really stumps the traditional accounting analysis that most businesses use to measure success. Fortunately, several recent programs have given us some insight into looking at quality with a new measuring stick – patient satisfaction and patient outcome. So, how can a pharmacy use these measures and techniques to improve and build their compounding practice?
continue to read here

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