
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy takes Action Against Stacie M. Miller, DPh --compounding

Stacie M. Miller, DPh, #13125 – Case No. 1266: Admitted

to guilt on seven counts and neither admits nor

denies guilt on 6,530 counts including attempting diagnosis

or treatment that might infringe upon the legally

constituted right or obligation of any practitioner of the

healing arts; failing to oppose any secret arrangement

between pharmacist and physician whereby fees are

divided; making or filing a report or record that she

knew or should have known to be false; submitting

fraudulent billing or reports to a third party payor of

prescription drugs; filling or refilling a prescription

without authorization; allowing an intervening person

to alter a prescription order; allowing someone other

than an authorized practitioner or his or her designated

agent to transmit prescription drug orders; entering into

an agreement with a practitioner that requires that prescription

orders be transmitted from the practitioner to

only the pharmacy; failing to maintain reports; failing

to supervise employees; failing to comply with United

States Pharmacopeia Compounding Standards; failing

to ensure the validity of all prescriptions; failing to

document training of a currently permitted technician;

billing or charging for quantities greater than delivered;

misfilling a prescription; substitution without

authorization; filling a prescription without a license;

entering into an arrangement whereby prescription

orders are received or delivered at a place other than

the pharmacy in which they are compounded and dispensed;

filling a written prescription that has not been

manually signed by the practitioner; and failing to

handwrite the initials of the pharmacist on a controlled

dangerous substance (CDS) prescription. License is

suspended for six years until April 16, 2020, and

$10,000 fine. After one year, suspension is stayed

and respondent’s license is placed on probation for

five years. Respondent may not work as a PIC in a

pharmacy until after April 16, 2020.

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