
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

List of Pharmacists, Pharmacies, Labs and Organizations That Donated Money to IACP for the Building of its Headquarters

Diamond Sponsor

Thomas and Alice Marks

Platinum Sponsor

Bob Seiwert, Sierra Compounding Pharmacy

Gold Sponsors

Lee and Mary Ann Berrettini


Bob and Diana Harshbarger

Health Care Logistics

Gary and Vicki Holst

International Journal of Pharmaceutical


Marty Jones and Pat Baloga

Medaus on behalf of Steven Russell

Ray and Alfred Moreno, Universal Arts

Compounding Pharmacy of South Florida

in Honor and Praise of our loving

parents, Maximino and Maria Moreno

John D. and Caroline Musil and Family

David and Diane Nicoletti


Sherry Ross

Bob and Janie Scarbrough

Spectrum Pharmacy Products

Eric Vidrine, Professional Arts Pharmacy

David Zava and ZRT Labs

Silver Sponsors

Analytical Research Laboratories

Bill Burch and Jennifer Burch

Pat and Jan Downing, Jenny Yoakum,

Dee Downing and Jana Downing

Eric Everett and Lisa Everett

Brian Fichter, VitaMaxRx, Inc.

Paul Franck

Dan and Laura Fucarino

Phil Hagerman, Diplomat Specialty

Eric and Carolyn Holgate

IACP Staff

Scott Karolchyk and Bernie Covalesky

Mike Leake

Terry and Greg Mielke, Thrifty Health

and Compounding

Donna Patterson, The Apothecary

Robert P. Potts and Associates

Sam and Mary Susan Pratt

John Preckshot

Kim and Janet Tenreiro

Evelyn Timmons and Steve Timmons

E. Pat Vann, Vann Healthcare Services

Gary Wilburn

Bronze Sponsors

Hank Abbott, Birds Hill Pharmacy

Eldon Armstrong, Hawthorne Pharmacy

Leo and Beverly Blais

Carie Boyd

Ben Briggs

Richard Brisson

Al Brown and Liberty Drug

James Buderer and Matthew Buderer,

Buderer Drug Co.

Steven Charles

Compounding Shop, Inc.

John and Alice M. DeMars

Gina Ford

Peter and Anne Marie Ford

Henry Gialanella

Jim Gillespie

Dana Gordon, CAPRx

Gene and Caren Gresh

John Herr and Robert Zadra

Hoagland Pharmacy

Dick Holm

Sue Horton and Central Iowa Compounding

Bob and Kathy Hoye

Bill and Barbara Johns

Raymond and Kathleen Knepp

Matthew H. and Jayne Kopacki

Mark Mandel and Nick Flocco

Mike and Keryn McMahan


Rich and Kelly Moon, Southern Tier

Home Infusion

Moore’s Pharmacy, Inc.

Pine Pharmacy

North Dakota Compounders

Mike Pass

Scott and Amy Popyk, Health

Dimensions, Inc.

Wade and Jennifer Siefert

Marshall Tobin

William and Jonette Wills, Grandpa’s

Compounding Pharmacy

Joe Wise and Wise Pharmacy

Robert Wood and Anthony Buchta,

Central Ohio Compounding

Gene and Cheryl Zale

Mortar and Pestle Sponsors

Harvey and Carol Ahl

Patsy Angelle

Aquidneck Pharmacy and Wellness

Claude Banks

Jeff Barris, Pacifica Pharmacy

Jerry and Jean Beamer

Barry and Grace Bilbro

Eugene Bockrath

Douglas and Jennifer Boudreaux

Burman’s Pharmacy

Gene Carlson and Schott’s Pharmacy

Randy and Susan Caudle

Karl Clearwaters, Herbst Apothecary

David and Debbie Creecy, Poquoson


Dr. Dan Daniel

Gerald and Cheryl DuFresne

Kim and Patricia Fulmer

Gary and Ruth Glisson

Henry and Myra Herring

Jeff Hill, Hill’s Compounding Pharmacy

Jeff and Angela Jackson

Kathy and Pat Jackson

Patty Johnston and Larry Frail,

Colony Drug

Dean and Linda King

L.D. King

Kubat Pharmacy

Deril and Robbin Lees

Leiter’s Pharmacy

Bill and Lise Letendre

David Liebman

Joe Lorello

Dick and Amelda McCortney

Randy and Paula Mentzer

Svet Milic

Bill and Jan Mixon

Lee and Jaclyn Ori

Jim and Amy Paoletti

Dean and Terri Parker

James Perry

Ron Petrin

Martin and Rosemary Pietruszewski

Rudy and Carole Prinz

Dana Reed-Kane and Tom Reed,

Reed’s Compounding

Jerrod and Drenda Roberts

Shara and Mike Rudner/George and

Barbara Grumet

Tony and Sandra Sabutis

Ari Schafer

Larry and Linda Shelton

Lee and Kerri Shinabery

Scott Snyder

David Stahlberger, Matthew H. and

Jayne Kopacki, Pompton Pharmacy

Mike and Debra Stein

Storey Marketing

Irv Swartz

Pat and Theresa Travis, CLEANAIR

David and Terry Vasenden

John and Tara Voliva

Scott and Gretchen Watts

Don and Karen West

Irene White and Dennis Slack

Gary and Brenda Wingate

Terry Wingo

Bill and Gloria Winkowski

Dana and Annette Woods

Patron Sponsors

Vern Allen, Premier Pharmacy Labs, Inc.

Jay and Lisa Ashworth

Nick Birkel, Pharmacy Specialty Services

Janice Bopp and Mar-Main Pharmacy

Janet Carter, Prescription Alternatives

Custom Dosing Pharmacy

Lizzie Dragon

Larry and Lezlie Durrant

Kevin and Beth Evetts

Glen Hadaway

Henry T. Hayden, Hayden Drug

Pete Hueseman, Bellevue Pharmacy


Lorraine Kaup and Kaup Pharmacy

Craig and Sally Kvam

George and Barbara Muller

Andy Naglak

Neal and Ro Pease

Richard and Diantha Rochefort

Joe Rossetti

Scott Robinson’s Prescriptions/Bruce


John and Waynie Stephenson

Scott Wepfer

Susanne Williams

Individual Sponsors

Ray and Mary Sue Adams

Mel Alter

Kevin and Amy Atkins

Ball Ground Pharmacy

Ronnie Baggett

Janet Beard

Verne and Colleen Betlach

Bruce Biundo

Michael Blaire, Diamondback Drugs

Diane Boomsma and Merv Sands

Bill Chaney

Michael and Carol Collins

Charles Daleo

David and Nancy DeMartini

Dickson Apothecary

Disco Rex Pharmacy

Don Fellows

Ken Fitzgerald

W. Benjamin Fry

Robert Geldreich

Jennifer Goodrum

John and Joe Grasela, University

Compounding Pharmacy

Dale Harrison and Dr. Laurie Ellen


Mike and Marcia Haulsee

Rayeane and Bentley Hawley

Bruce A. Hinkle

Tom and Dot Hornsby

Ken and Nancy Hughes

Michael Hunter

Alan, Beverly and Adam Israel

Fred Kinnard, Kinnard’s Pharmacy

James Krasnow

Yvette Ladd, Halls Pharmacy

Eddie Tom Lakey

Jung and Marilynn Lee

A. Blair Lundberg

Larry Mayhew

Joe McCloskey

Linda F. McElhiney

Angie Meeker

Sammi Molvi, Health Solutions Pharmacy

Gary Newton

Patricia Paget

Roger Pennington, Westlab Pharmacy

Portage Pharmacy

Jeff and Stacy Robins

Rx South

Jade and Brenna Schuckman

Jim Schwartz, King Pharmacy #2

Kelly and Nancy Selby

Linn and Barbara Shaffer

Jeffrey B. Sherr, Apple Discount Drugs

Chris and Patti Simmons

Stephen F. Skinner, Specialty Pharmacy

Charles and Alleene Smith

In Honor of Kay Sparks

Jack and Carol Stafford

Gerald Stone, The Drug Shop

Angie Svoboda, Good Life Health Services

Bill Swail, Peoples Pharmacy

Tom Switzler

Tom and Tami Talbert, in Honor of

Kay Sparks

Tar Heel Drug

Dr. Eldred Taylor

Union Square Pharmacy

Cathy and Ron Windish

Steve Zaver

quoted from here

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