
Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 25, 2014 IACP Post Letters to Congress With Signatures Asking that the FDA Be Held Accountable

Thank you to all IACP Members who participated in the Academy's Action Alert to obtain signatures for both Congressman Bilrakis and Congressmen Griffith, Green and DeGette's respective House letters. Holding FDA accountable for correct and appropriate implementation of the DQSA is IACP’s number one priority. Final signatures were gathered for both of these letters and, they have been sent to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). At this point, we are awaiting FDA's reply. 
Click here to view the final Congressmen Griffith, Green & DeGette letter with signatures. 
Click here to view the final Congressman Bilirakis letter with signatures.
As part of this year’s Compounders on Capitol Hill, attendees visited House offices asking for support of a letter from Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that raised questions about the agency’s interpretation and implementation of the Drug Quality & Security Act. In addition to concerns about how the FDA views office-use dispensing in those states that permit it, repackaging of medications, the impact on patient access, and the promotion of 503B outsourcing facilities before the agency has completed the promulgation of regulations, Congressman Bilirakis and others signing onto the letter are specifically querying why the FDA appears to be ignoring specific Congressional intent. More and more House members are signing onto the letter and IACP expects it to be forwarded on to the FDA by the end of June. To see a copy of the Bilirakis letter, please click here. To view the IACP “Ask” document explaining it, click here.

A second letter from Congressmen Griffith (R-VA), Green (D-TX), and DeGette (D-CO) raising many of the same issues also was released. IACP worked with Congressman Griffith’s staff to advise House offices of the importance of signing on to this letter as well given that these leaders on the House Energy and Commerce Committee were directly involved in the 2013 hearings in which the FDA claimed that they did not have sufficient authority to take action against the New England Compounding Center even when the agency was aware of significant deficiencies and violations dating back to as early as 2005. Congressman Griffith had introduced HR 3089 in the summer of 2013 to clearly delineate the role and responsibility of the FDA in overseeing compounding without impinging on the authority of state Boards of Pharmacy. 

quoted from here

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