
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

IACP Boasts That it Was Successful in Getting Appropriations Language for FDA to cut funding in half and place restrictions on how FDA can utilize funding

As IACP previously reported, the President’s Budget requested $25 million for FDA to “improve oversight of compounding pharmacies.”  IACP was successful in getting language included within both the Senate FDA Appropriations legislation and the House FDA Appropriations to cut this funding request in half and place restrictions on how FDA can utilize any funding received from the Appropriations process.  Specifically, the House FDA Appropriations legislation grants FDA $12 million and the House and Senate FDA Appropriations place restrictive language on FDA requiring FDA to meet with pharmacists on the implementation of the DQSA while only authorizing FDA to have oversight of 503B facilities and making clear 503A pharmacies remain under the jurisdiction of State Boards of Pharmacy. 
quoted from here

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