
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

FDA warns of compounded drug recall by Texas firm

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration warned doctors Wednesday not to use compounded drugs from a Texas specialty pharmacy due to potential risks of contamination.
The agency says FDA inspectors recently uncovered unsanitary conditions at Unique Pharmaceuticals' plant in Temple, Texas. The inspections revealed production problems in several drug lots that were supposed to be sterile.
"Using these products puts patients at an unacceptable risk for serious infection," said Carol Bennett, an official in the FDA's drug center.
At the behest of regulators, Unique Pharmaceuticals has recalled all non-expired, sterile products distributed across the U.S., including a fluid used to clear mucus in patients with respiratory conditions. The company has also halted production of all other sterile drugs, which are generally solutions administered via injection or intravenous infusion. A spokesman for the company said it continues to produce other forms of drugs that do not require sterile conditions
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